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Ronee Haller
Ronee Haller
Phone: 724-284-4232

Current Position: School Nurse

Past Positions: Also Assistant Archery Coach

Hobbies or Secondary Positions: RN in education at Butler Memorial Hospital

Something to share with parents considering Christian Education:  I have 1 graduate of PCS and 1 older high school student and I believe PCS has been instrumental in developing their strong Christian character.  They both have had their trying times and struggles as any student does, but they are extremely grateful for the education, support, and teachings of PCS.

Something you believe makes PCS special: I have seen the support, first hand, of staff, students, and families during difficult and even tragic times.

What makes PCS different from public school: There is more of a closeness at PCS between students and staff since they interact outside the classroom.  The Christian support from teachers allows the students to go to any teacher and get biblical based support.

What makes PCS different from other Christian schools: I love that the school is K-12 and older students help with younger students.  Both age groups benefit from this and usually love it.