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Use your tax dollars for Portersville Christian School

Businesses, corporations, and individuals can support PCS through tax credit programs.
Want to learn more about these programs, check out the information below.  If you are interested in participating in a tax credit program, we recommend you consult your tax advisor and call the PCS Finance Office at (724) 368-8787 ext. 203 for more information.


Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC)

Pennsylvania offers a great opportunity for a business in the state to reduce tax liability by contributing to registered scholarship organizations. Through the ACSI CTF program, businesses may elect to designate their contribution to Portersville Christian School.  Business can receive up to a 90% state tax credit of the amount contributed with a two-year commitment. For a one-year commitment, the percentage is 75%. Federal deductions is eligible according to the charitable giving laws and based on the entire amount contributed.  EITC contribution cap: $750K.  

Pennsylvania Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program (OSTC)

Like EITC, the OSTC program provides tax credits to eligible business contributing to an Opportunity Scholarship Organization.  Business contributions are then used to provide tuition assistance in the form of scholarships at Portersville Christian School to eligible students residing within the boundaries of a state identified low-achieving school.  Pennsylvania legislature passed a bill allowing business firms to apply for an alternative tax credit if the preferred credit is unavailable; i.e., a corporate donor may elect to donate to the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program (OSP) and simultaneously apply for an alternate tax credit through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC), Pennsylvania's original tax-credit scholarship program.

Tuition Tax Credit for Individuals 

Qualified taxpayers who want to support PCS can redirect their personal income tax to the Child’s Tuition Fund of Pennsylvania (CTF of PA).  Like EITC, Individuals can reduce tax liability by contributing to the CTF of PA and designate their contribution to Portersville Christian School.  Individuals can receive up to a 90% state tax credit of the amount contributed with a two-year commitment and 75% for a one-year commitment. Children's Tuition Fund of Pennsylvania Scholarships, LLC is a Special Purpose Entity managed by ACSI’s Children Tuition Fund. 

Program Details

• May 15 – Business applicants who have fulfilled their 2-year commitment and wish to reapply to renew their 2-year commitment.
• May 15 – Businesses who are in the middle of their 2-year commitment.
• July 1 – All new businesses including Pre-K business applications.


Eligibility Businesses authorized to do business in Pennsylvania who are subject to one or more of the following taxes:
Corporate Net Income Tax
Capital Stock Franchise
Tax Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax
Title Insurance Companies Shares Tax
Insurance Premiums Tax
Mutual Thrift Institution Tax
Malt Beverage Tax Insurance Company Law of 1921
Personal Income Tax of shareholders: S corporations, LLC, LP