New Faculty Spotlight: Mrs. Updegraff

We want to offer a warm welcome to Hannah Updegraff, our new 4th grade teacher! Hannah will be teaching 4th grade Social Studies, Math, Spelling, and Bible along with 3rd grade Spelling and Social Studies. Hannah did her undergraduate at Geneva College where she obtained certification in Elementary Education (Pre-K through 4th grade) and Special Education (Pre-K through 8th grade). She has previously taught at Penn Christian Academy. In her spare time, Hannah enjoys gardening, cross-stitching, and baking pies (yum!). We are very happy to welcome her to the Warrior Family!
Hannah chose PCS because she wanted to serve the Lord in teaching and find a place closer to home where she could serve the students in the community. So far, Hannah has found PCS to be an encouraging environment rooted in sharing the love of Christ with others. She adds that “Everyone has been so helpful and inviting me into sharing the school community with them.”
When asked how to advise a family considering sending their child to PCS, Hannah replied that, “Students at PCS will be taught to be a warrior for Christ in every area; they will be strengthen in their Christian walk through the supportive network of teachers and staff and be encouraged to grow as a child of the King!.”